Dear Friend:
The book you are about to read reveals one of
the most astounding secrets of human power
ever to evolve from scientific research.
The startling fact is this: recent discoveries
by brain scientists have shown that the average
human being uses only the left hemisphere of the
brain (the "rational" or "limited" half, so to
speak) to carry on life functions.   The right hemisphere
is seldom, if ever, used.
The author contends that the right side of the
brain contains mysterious forces and powers far
more potent than anything contained in the left
side!   This belief has led him to the development
of Psychosymbology: a "language of the brain"
that enables anyone to tap the reservoir of power
and unused potential which lie dormant in the
right side of the brain!
Knowing how to use this language properly can
work apparent miracles in your life, claims the
author!   Money, popularity, health, success...
it can all be yours once you command the long hidden
powers of the brain!
Psychosymbology Has Worked For Others - It Will Work For You!
This practical and easy-to-read handbook
leaves the scientific jargon to the specialists and
focuses on what the new knowledge of the human
brain can mean to you personally.
are no long and arduous exercises for you to do,
no formulas to memorize, no mental or physical
gymnastics for you to undertake.   You simply
follow the ready-to-use techniques for contacting
and activating your brain’s dormant powers
— and all of life’s golden blessings will be yours
for the taking, says the author!
Hundreds of people — from all walks of life —
have discovered the miracle-working powers of
Psychosymbology.   People like:
Henry D., who used Psychosymbology to stop
malicious gossip and win $10,000!
Herbert M., who used Psychosymbology to activate
his "Hunch Center" and make S14,000
in a single day!
Mary P., who employed Psychosymbology to
receive a divine answer to her most fervent
These are but a sampling of the magical, life-restoring
"miracles" that Psychosymbology has
performed in the lives of ordinary people.   Once
you begin to apply the mystic language of Psychosymbology
to your life, says the author,
you, too will be able to:
Experience a constant influx of ready money
when you invoke the secret of the "Magic
Elves" symbol!
Develop your psycho-kinetic powers when
you use the "Bulldozer" symbol!
Electrify your life with joy and abundance
by discovering your "Master Number" — your personal key to lifelong happiness!
You’ll find even more amazing
"secrets of
the brain" inside this book.   Open it now — and
let them transform and brighten your life!
Do Not Read This Book If...
You have all the money you will ever want.
Your hopes arid dreams always come true.
You never suffer frustration in day-to-day living.
You are at your healthiest.
You have complete power over enemies and negative influences in your
You don't want to change the future for yourself.
Read This Book If...
You need money.
You want troubles to vanish like magic.
You desire a fuller, more satisfying life.
You would like to stop illness before it starts.
You would like to tap your own unused potential.
You want to exercise your divine right to self-determination.
You wish to contact the Infinite but invisible source of mind power
which resides in your own brain.
You want love, health, happiness, and security to fill every moment of
your life.
Unlock Your Own Wealth Of Power
The startling fact is this: modern science is just now rediscovering truths
which were guarded secrets of ancient mystics and seers.
Artists, writers,
poets - indeed, all truly creative people down through the ages - have known
that somewhere within them lay a vast reservoir of untapped power and
The great and powerful writer, C.S. Lewis, author of the Narnia
series, says this in his book Surprised by Joy:
"The two hemispheres of my mind were in the sharpest contrast.
On the one side a many-islanded sea of poetry and myth; on the
other a glib and shallow ‘rationalism.’ Nearly all that I loved I
believed to be imaginary; nearly all that I believed to be real I
thought grim and meaningless."
Modern science is now in the process of proving the very things "daydreamers"
used to rely upon intuitively.   What these late discoveries can mean
to you is at once fascinating, miraculous, and powerful.
This practical and easy-to-read book you are now reading leaves the
scientific jargon to the specialists and focuses on what the new knowledge of
the human brain can mean to you personally.   This book shows you how to
put the new and dynamic knowledge to work for yourself; how to use
Psychosymbology to tap the mysterious forces of the right hemisphere of
your own brain, the side which conceals unused powers.
Psychosymbology is the key that opens the door to the reservoir of power
and unused potential which lies dormant in the right side of your brain. This
book will show you how to use Psychosymbology to unlock your own wealth
of power - the key to a healthier, happier you.
Partial Outline Of Contents:
How Psychosymbology Can
Be Your Key To Successful
How Psychosymbology Can
Transform And Brighten
Your Life
How Psychosymbology
Charges Your Personality
With Power And Dynamism
How Color Symbolism Brings
You Success And Happiness
How Tarot Symbols Bring
Luck, Love And Luxury To
How Psychosymbology
Attracts Friendship And
Wealth And Repels Enmity
And Poverty
How Psychosymbology Makes
You Popular And Personable
How Psychosymbology Makes
You A Magnetic Person With
A Powerful Mind
How Psychosymbology Makes
You The Master Of Your Own
Use Psychosymbology To
Raise Yourself To Heights Of
Success And Happiness
How Psychosymbology
Dispels Fear, Doubt, Anxiety,
And Worry
How Psychosymbology Puts
You In Touch With Your
"Unseen Twin"
How Psychosymbology Can
Give You Instant Psychic
Control Over Anyone
How Psychosymbology Can
Improve Your Looks And
Increase Your Popularity
How Psychosymbology
Causes Dreams To Guide And
How Psychosymbology Turns
Mundane Things Into Power
Tools For Your Benefit
How Psychosymbology
Activates The Magic Of The
Mind To Bring You All That
You Command
How Psychosymbology Puts
The Ancient Power Of
Numbers At Your Disposal
How Psychosymbology Wards
Off Psychic Attack And
Negative Influences
How Psychosymbology Can
Help You Break Through
Social, Political, And
Religious Barriers
Your Life Will Change Forever After Reading Psychosymbology...
Try Psychosymbology, 100% at my risk.   If it doesn't immediately solve every problem you're now facing, free your mind from worry forever, and let you walk 2 inches taller, just let me know and every penny of your purchase will be returned.
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