"One Of The Most Ruthless Hustlers On The Planet Is About To Set The Record Straight...

Steal Women's Souls And Create Their Dreams With These Methods From A Hardcore Pimp!

From the desk of Jack Ellis:

You better grab this now before rioting feminist groups capture me and burn me alive!

This interview with a pimp - which reveals the details of how to "break" women and make them do whatever you want whenever you want, has outraged many women (and some men) who don't want you to know the types of things that go on "outside the box."

As far as I'm concerned, they can stick it!

You're about to learn some things from "Mickey" (that's his name) that you will never learn anywhere else...

He divides everyone into different classes:



Bottom women


Most people he labels as "tricks" since that's what they are - spectators who never even get in the game.

Here's your opportunity to stop living life as a "trick" and run the game instead of just playing it.

Discover The Techniques Of Someone Who Has Achieved Total Mastery Over Women:

Why you must NEVER lower yourself to the status of a "regular human being"

Why so many women wallow in low self-esteem - and how to capitalize on it

An easy communication tactic that ALWAYS gives you the upper hand

The difference between a "prince" and a "king" - how to be a king

How to get a woman to sell her soul to you

The difference between being "in" the game and being "at" the game - most will never understand

Why the images of "pimps" on television are dead wrong - and how they obscure true power

How to structure your life with the "one star, one stage" rule

A simple visualization technique that lets you "take" anything you want, any time

"Knocking" explained - the process of breaking a woman down

This Information Will Shatter Your Reality...

And that's no exaggeration.

Literally millions of women all over the world have serious self-esteem issues - issues that you can take advantage of to get whatever you want if you know how to push the right buttons.

Isn't it time you took all of a woman's power away and placed it in your own hands?

What would you do if you knew how to get inside the head of anyone - any time - and "pimp" them to do your bidding, while you sit back and reap the rewards?

It doesn't have to be a dream you watch on television any more - now it can happen in real life... when you read Pimp Secrets.

Step Into An Entirely New World And Learn:

Why any person with an interest, passion or desire can be "pimped"

How to turn a woman against the pillars of her world - family, friends, religion

The three words that can never leave your mouth

How a pimp's "nature" goes against human nature - and why this can make you more powerful than others

Why a pimp is NOT cold-hearted - he's "empty" - how to create this "emptiness" and fill it with whatever you want

How to make your power SCREAM without making a sound

Why giving women a choice is the most foolish thing you could ever do

An important - but often overlooked - facet of human nature that you can use as a dangerous weapon

"Leaking" (losing your game) explained - and how to prevent it from happening

A pimp's main source of power explained - this will surprise you

The big difference between an "owner" and a "player" - most guys will never get it

The Secret Life Of A Pimp...

Real pimps rarely wear fur coats and drive gaudy cars - that's what you see on TV...

Real pimps do socialize with some of the "top" members of society - congressmen, senators, even religious leaders have been known to be ensnared by pimps and the ladies they control.

In fact... this book will teach you how to "pimp" men (no, not sexually!) and get them to do your bidding as well!

Not to mention the easy money that pimps receive every day while barely lifting a finger.

Don't believe the hype!   You don't have to be a "thug" to do any of this - in fact, it will help you immensely just to look "normal" - that way you can slip under the radar and not be suspected of any wrongdoing.

Are You Prepared To Learn These Sucker-Punch Seduction Tactics
From The Streets?

Remove all limitations you place on yourself to become unstoppable with women

What bank robbers can teach you about the psychology of a woman

Three rules that tell you everything you'll ever need to know about how to handle women

How to "peep game" and determine your competition's strengths and weaknesses before making your move

"Mandatory distance" and why it allows you to command women to do your bidding

The two things that subconsciously drive every person in the world

How to liberate yourself totally by committing "social suicide"

How to take the path of least resistance - and fool people into thinking they got one over on you

HURRY! If You Order Now You Will Receive This Free Bonus...


This exclusive report was created by a psychologist who studied hypnosis and brainwashing techniques employed by everyone from Stalin to the American mass media.

He will show you how totalitarian regimes operate, how they gain converts, and how you can use these principles in your life immediately after reading them.

  • How to use someone's fantasies of danger to enslave them
  • Mental blackmail - what it is and how to employ it
  • The "biological rule of defense" - this rule applies to every person and when you understand it, you can shock them into submission
  • The "cult of passivity" explained, or "why it's so easy to dominate most people you encounter"

Pimp Secrets Is Yours To Examine Risk-Free For 30 Days...

That's right - there is absolutely no risk on your part when you buy Pimp Secrets.   If you don't see a noticeable improvement in your life after reading and trying the methods I'll teach you, just email me and you'll receive 100% of your money back in less than 24 hours.

Here's How To Order Right Now:

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(Even if it's 3:00 AM on a Sunday)

                                                                        Take care,

                                                                        Jack Ellis

P.S. In this book you will learn secrets you never even knew existed.   It's not every day you get to learn from a real-life pimp!   After reading these ideas your life will never be the same - I guarantee it.

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Contact: forbiddenpatterns [at] gmail.com