Dear Friend:
This book will show you how to receive the guidance and the blessings that can be
yours, through the magic of ESP.
As a Psychic Perceptor, you have power beyond
the range of normal sight and sound, power that knows no bounds in time and space,
power that travels through solid walls, power to command that which you wish to
occur, as if by magic, easily, automatically, by unobserved means!
Here's a partial outline of the contents in this book:
          1. How to become aware of the psychic power of your mind
          2. The psychic powers within you
          3. How to use extrasensory perception in everyday life
          4. How you can release the psychic powers within you
          5. Extrasensory travel and out-of-the-body experiences
          6. Extrasensory perception and healing
          7. Why you will live forever
          8. How extrasensory perception reveals answers in dreams
          9. How your psychic mind solves problems through dream impressions
          10. Extrasensory perception and your subconscious
          11. The dynamic power of psychic thought
          12. How to use secrets of extrasensory perception in solving problems
          13. How to increase your wealth with psychic perception
          14. How your perception brings you wonders of disciplined imagination
          15. How to know the mysterious perceptive powers of your mind
          16. How to let psychic perception work for you and your children
          17. How to let psychic perception make your desires come true
          18. The psychic perception of your past lives
Power To Command!
Power to command that which you wish to
occur, as if by magic, easily, automatically, by
unobserved means!   And as the mighty Psychic
Perceptor secret works for you, you will see this
power emerging in your daily life!
For just as a magician's wand was said to
cause miracles, the secret of the Psychic Perceptor
can bring miracles such as these:
• Wealth in avalanches of abundance
• Discoveries of hidden treasure
• Psychic healings
• Contact with long-lost friends and relations
• Astral travel, better in the secret
knowledge it can bring than even
television or a hidden microphone
• Public acclaim, honor, and recognition
• Amazing answers to daily problems
• New love, new friendship, a happier
• The joyous satisfaction of the answered
And best of all, this power can work for you
right now, according to the author.
You need
no special abilities or training.   On the contrary,
he says, if you can read a few simple directions,
in plain English, this book will show how
to receive the guidance and the blessings that
can be yours.
"Let Wonders Happen In Your Life - Beginning Now!
Why must this method work for you?
it has already worked for hundreds of ordinary
men and women from all walks of life, no
better, no smarter, no luckier or harder working
than you — and is working for them right
"These people have banished loneliness,
received psychic treasures, avoided tragedy,
gained freedom from the fear of
so-called voodoo or evil eye or psychic
attack, achieved peace of mind, confidence
. . . and a great new life," says
the author.
It can set you on the high road to happiness,
quickly, easily, and automatically.
Says This Secret Brought Wealth To Her!
A former secretary, as quoted in these pages,
claims: " If someone had told me a year ago
that I would be driving a Lincoln; wearing a
mink coat, expensive diamonds and sapphires;
living in my own home and married to a wonderful
man, I would have laughed out loud."
Yet this lady took the instructions in the book
seriously, and decided to use it.   Within three
months, wealth and happiness flowed to her in
avalanches of abundance.
Receives A Million Dollars!
In another instance, a man phoned the author
to exclaim: "My wife just inherited a
million dollars — and you told her what to do!"
You'll read of miraculous healings, of men
and women who were able to draw their loved
ones to them, contact long-lost friends and
relatives, strengthen and unite all family ties.
And you'll discover the same easy method these
people used that you can use too!
It's all here,
Everyone Possesses Psychic Power...
...and can be presently
aware of events and experiences transcending the five senses.
You can easily learn to use these extraordinary psychic
powers to benefit your daily living to an extent that will
amaze you.
Vast numbers of people in all walks of life are constantly
dealing with such powers as clairvoyance, whereby one
perceives things and situations at a distance; precognition,
which is the ability to see future events as happening now in
one’s mind; telepathy, where one communicates mentally
with others, collapsing time and space limitations; and retro-
cognition, which is the ability to see events in the past. All of
these powers are latent in all of us.
You will read in this book how a great many people, by
using extrasensory or psychic perception, saved the lives of
loved ones, how they prevented accidents or financial disasters to themselves, and much more of vital significance in complex daily living.
Believe In Yourself...
...and invest a small sum to achieve what can only be described as superhuman power.   I believe in you - which is why you can check out Psychic Perception at my risk.   Try the book for 30 days and if you are dissatisfied just email me for a full refund!
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